Mating the Dragon Page 11
Karla looked up at him teasingly. “I didn’t think that would be a problem for you.”
Taurian growled. “Oh, it wouldn’t be. I just thought you might not want it torn.”
Her eyes met his, dark and searing. “Oh, I don’t mind.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. Taurian slid his hands over the tight fitting top, feeling it’s silkiness one last time, before grasping the edges and pulling.
Karla gave a small gasp, the pulse in the corner of her neck beating quickly.
It tore only as far as the waist, where the seams were stronger, but that was enough. For now. Taurian reached for her exposed skin, thwarted again by her bra. For a while, he let himself play outside the fabric, enjoying the silky smoothness contrasted with the rough lace. Her nipples hardened under the covering, pressing against it as though trying to escape.
Taurian’s lips trailed wet kisses down her throat, stopping to lick the soft skin, before continuing down to find her nipples. Karla gasped as he sucked them through the fabric. It became transparent where he sucked it, her rosy nipples showing through.
His moment of patience evaporated at the sight. He knew the fastening to the bra was at the back somewhere, but he couldn’t be bothered searching for it. He grasped the material between her breasts and pulled, breaking it at the stitches and rewarding him with her breasts popping out into his hands.
He looked up into Karla’s eyes, suddenly concerned his impatience might have frightened her. He needed to remember that she was a human, not a dragon. This sort of passion might be unfamiliar to her.
“We didn’t need that anyway,” she said, her eyes filled with desire.
She pulled him close, her lips meeting his, and he forgot all about his fears. There was no doubt that Karla was his equal, in passion and desire.
His tongue flicked into her mouth, tasting her, revelling in the soft skin.
Karla’s hand slid down to his bottom, under the leather pants, caressing his skin, driving him wild. He pulled back a bit, and stared down at her, breathless. “Are you ready to be my mate?”
Karla nodded enthusiastically. “More than ready, Taurian. I want you so much. I need you. Make me yours.”
Taurian stared at her, trying to memorise this moment. There would never be another time like this one. After all the build-up, the mating ceremony was the pinnacle of desire and love.
Somehow, he couldn’t imagine this feeling ever fading. Every time he looked at Karla, he felt this same want and need. He was going to feel that for the rest of his life.
With a growl low in his throat, he bent and captured her lips, sucking and biting as gently as he could. Karla’s fingers raked down his bare back, and his body burned up against hers.
Her breathing was ragged and short against his lips, each gasp more desperate and needy than the last. Her desperation increased his own, and his own breathing kept pace with hers.
Karla slowed, her hand pressing against his chest. Taurian could fell her pulse through the skin on her hands, connecting with his.
Their bodies were crying out to connect, to become one.
He wasn’t even sure how he removed the rest of her clothing. All he knew was that his whole body sighed when it was pressed up against hers, naked.
His legs tangled with hers, his hardness pulsing against her.
Letting the want and need fill him, he took a moment to stare into her eyes.
Into the eyes he’d be staring into for the rest of his life.
His heart filled with love, a love reflected back from her own eyes.
“I love you, Karla,” he said softly.
“I love you too, Taurian.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. Taurian rolled over, enjoying the feel of her soft body beneath him. Karla’s legs parted and twisted around him, pulling him close, and he groaned as he slid inside her.
Nothing had ever felt so right. He’d thought the first two times they’d made love had been amazing, it was nothing compared to this.
Karla’s groan echoed his. “Taurian,” she breathed.
He bent and kissed her.
They were connected with every part of their bodies, as close as two people could be. It was impossible to go any closer, wasn’t it?
It felt like every pore in his skin was opening up and letting her in. Their chests pressed up against each other, and their hearts connected, beating as one.
Need washed over Taurian. Need to make her his, need to be part of her. He just wasn’t quite sure how this worked. At what point did they become mated? Would he feel it? Would he know?
Then the need washed all that away. It would happen. He just needed to go with it.
He thrust into her, frantic, wanting to feel every part of her all at once.
Karla’s hands urged him to go faster, harder, more, and even though he was sure he couldn’t, he somehow found a way.
Taurian stared into her eyes. She was his lifemate. Never had a word sounded sweeter. Never had it been more meaningful.
Never had he wanted anything so much.
He built up a rhythm, sliding in and out, building up intensity, sending every muscle taut.
Then it all washed over him at once. His need for her, his love for her, his connection to her. He felt his breathing and heartrate slowed, and synched with hers. For a few seconds, their hearts beat as one.
This was it. This was the moment. And it felt so right. All the tension and fears and doubts Taurian had ever had washed away in this moment. Instead, he was filled with certainty, love, and acceptance. She was his, and he was hers.
Waves of ecstasy flooded through him, and he could feel Karla responding in kind. The emotional connection between them went even deeper. He only wished he could tell her, but no words would convey this feeling.
He didn’t need to. Her eyes reflected it straight back at him.
“You are my mate,” he proclaimed loudly in her mind.
“I am,” Karla’s mind voice was filled with the same pride and love that his was.
Taurian pulled back to look at her, his breath catching in his throat. But no, he was pretty sure she was still a human. She’d just somehow gained a dragon voice. He’d thought the ability to speak directly into each other’s minds without words was exclusive to dragons, but apparently not.
That was going to come in handy.
Taurian lay down and pulled her close, his urgency fading now. She was his. No rushing any more. His fingers trailed over her bare skin and his lips found hers.
Karla’s lips didn’t have to part from his to say the dragon speech words. Another advantage.
“You know how you wanted to take things slowly?” The growing intensity of her lips on his were a delicious contrast to her slow words.
“Maybe we could try that now?”
Chapter 13
Karla stared down at what had been her wedding dress, her face heating at the memory of how enthusiastic she’d been last night when Taurian had torn it off her. “There’s no way I can wear this again today,” she told her mate. “I don’t care how important it is for the clan to know you’re virile.”
Taurian gave her a look that turned her insides to liquid.
Seriously. How could he keep doing that? They’d made love, quite thoroughly, at least three times last night. Maybe four, depending on whether that second time counted as once or twice.
Would this need for him ever dull?
Not that she wanted it to. But a break while she had to go out in public, would be nice.
“The mating costume is supposed to be unwearable after the final night,” he assured her. “No one will be surprised at you wearing something different.”
That was a relief. “Is there anything special that’s supposed to happen this morning?”
Taurian nodded. “You will be formally welcomed into the clan, and we will h
ave our first clan meeting as joint leaders.”
Karla stared at him. So drop her right in it, then. She took a deep breath. She could do this.
“So no pressure then.”
Taurian smiled. “I have faith in you, Mate.”
His voice filled her mind, washing away any doubts. “I will do my best to live up to it, Mate,” she replied, still amazed that they could communicate like this, mind to mind.
“You already have.”
Karla’s heart warmed at his certainty, and that helped her remain confident as she dressed in her normal clothes, and she and Taurian walked down into the main clan room, hand in hand.
Dragons and humans cheered when they saw them, and there were a few whistles. Karla felt herself blushing, which only made the cheers louder.
Finally, Mesrian put up a hand, and the crowd quietened. “Welcome, Prince Taurian and Princess Karla.”
That necessitated another cheer, which gave Karla a moment to collect her thoughts. She’d totally forgotten that being leader of Rian clan with Taurian meant she was a princess. Would she ever get used to that?
At least she didn’t have to wear a crown.
She felt like royalty though, as she and Taurian sat and ate breakfast with the clan. Everyone focused on making sure she had what she wanted, and offering particularly nice fruit or drinks to her. It was a little overwhelming, to be honest.
It was almost a relief when Ostrian broke the happy mood. “So, what are your plans for waking your brothers and sisters then, since we will never have a life dragon to protect us now.”
Was he ever going to get over this?
“Once my mate and I have finished settling in to our new home and new roles, that will be the first order of business.” Taurian’s voice was calm. “Since we have already shown that we can hold off the Trima clan, thanks to Karla’s help,” Taurian put a hand over hers, “I foresee no problems with waking them all in short order. I hope to have the full Rian rulers joining us here within the month.”
It sounded so easy, when he said it.
“Then we’d better start selecting dragons to wake them.” Mesrian’s voice was full of suppressed excitement.
“Actually, I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea,” Taurian said quietly.
“What? Not a good idea? But you said you were going to wake them? How can you wake them but not wake them?” Mesrian frowned.
“I didn’t mean not wake them. I mean I think we should continue to let humans wake them.”
Taurian’s words produced a stunned silence in the lair.
“Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” Karla asked privately.
“Can you think of a better one? If your people are putting all that effort into protecting my dragons from our enemies, then I think they deserve proper recognition for it. They need to be a real part of our clan, not just hired warriors. I can’t think of a better way to show that than giving them the honour of waking my brothers and sisters. If they wish it, of course.”
Karla nodded slowly. Taurian’s words made sense, but would his people see it that way?
“Let humans wake our princes and princesses?” Ostrian’s voice was a screech. “Sacrilege. How dare you even suggest it.”
Taurian didn’t respond to the vitriol in his voice directly. He just said quietly, “Karla seems to have done a perfect job. Are you saying you don’t believe the rest of her people would?”
“They’re not dragons,” Ostrian said firmly. “They can’t possibly understand.”
“Then let us show them. Let’s invite them to be part of our world, as fully as we are.” Taurian’s voice was full of passion and intensity. It started to wash off on those around him. They exchanged glances, their faces still a little uncertain.
“We have more in common than you might guess,” Karla said quietly. “I think, if you let my people in, you will all see that.”
“Your people don’t really understand our ways, no offence,” Mesrian said quickly. “While I have no grudge against humans, can they understand and be willing to participate in the Mesmer ritual? Your culture views sex differently. I wouldn’t want to put undue pressure on anyone. Or have them expect more of the relationship than our dragon prince or princess is prepared to give.”
Taurian looked to her, letting her answer that one.
Karla gave a small smile. “I’m pretty sure that we can sort that one out. Just so long as they are given a choice and the ritual is explained to them beforehand.”
Mesrian hesitated, then nodded, and stood back, her concerns satisfied.
Taurian looked around the clan, meeting everyone’s eyes, then nodded. “It is settled then. We shall select humans to both protect, and wake, my brothers and sisters. Do we have any volunteers?
Not surprisingly, Lisa almost leapt out of her seat, waving her hand in the air. “Me. Me. I volunteer. Please?”
Taurian laughed. “Lisa, I bestow upon you the duty of waking my brother, Verrian.”
Lisa’s face was wreathed in smiles. “What is he like? Tell me about him?”
Taurian considered her question for a moment. “Verrian is a sound dragon. His magic is based on the manipulation of sound.”
Lisa obviously tried to hide her disappointment, but failed miserably. “You mean he doesn’t shoot fire or lightning?”
Taurian smiled. “Nothing so obvious for my brother. His power is subtle and controlled, and very, very beautiful when he chooses. I’m sure you will be suitably impressed when you meet him.”
Lisa swallowed, and nodded. “I’m sure I will.”
Taurian nodded. “That’s one,” he said. “Any others?”
To Karla’s surprise, Bruce stood up. He looked so dashing with his arm in a sling. His hair was even a little mussed, probably from the lack of mirrors in the lair. The more relaxed look suited him. “I would be happy to accept the honour, if you consider me suitable?”
He looked uncertain, but determined.
“Your choice, my mate.” Taurian’s voice filled her mind, his doubt obvious. “Do you think he is up to the task?”
Karla looked at Bruce. Her estimation of his character had only risen throughout their adventure together, even though she had become more and more certain that she had never really loved him. “He threw himself in front of a gun to save my life, I’m sure he can handle it,” she said with certainty.
Their conversation took mere seconds, the pause unnoticed by the clan.
“We would be honoured,” Taurian said solemnly. “Bruce, it will be your duty to wake my sister, Lyrian, princess of the wind.”
“I shall do my best to honour her,” Bruce said simply.
Karla was sure he would. He was the perfect candidate.
“Any others?” Taurian asked.
Chase volunteered readily as well. Aunt Mary looked tempted, but didn’t say anything. Karla made a mental note of that, but didn’t say anything.
“Thank you for your enthusiasm,” Taurian said solemnly. “I’m sure we will find more volunteers along the way to wake the others.”
“When will we start” Lisa asked impatiently.
Taurian looked around the clan, then nodded. “Next week,” he said. “Our next adventure will begin then.”
Karla felt the excitement well up in her too.
She and Taurian may be mated, but that didn’t mean their adventure was over. There was still so much to do.
The adventure was only beginning.
The End
There are more Rian clan dragon adventures to come! If you want to find out what happens when Lisa and Bruce wake their dragons, sign up to my mailing list to be notified when the next story begins!
If you haven't already, grab Bringing Christmas to the Dragons, and find out what happened before Karla woke Taurian.
With time running out before his clan’s prince is discovered by mining or killed by enemy dragons, dragon shifter Jayrian needs to convince the elders to accept help from the humans. He hopes tha
t the clever librarian, Gretchen, might be able to help him with that. He didn’t count on falling for her—that wasn’t part of his plan at all.
Gretchen longs for adventure outside of the books she reads in her job as a small town librarian. But not the kind that involves her moving to the big city to take the promotion her Aunt Mary offers. The cute guy who’s been hanging around the library seems far more exciting—there’s just something about him that draws her—so on impulse, she invites him to her family’s Christmas celebration. When a dragon lands on the front of her car on the way there, she wonders if she’s gotten more than she bargained for.
Together they must find a way to save his prince and clan, without sacrificing who they are, or their budding relationship.
Grab your copy now!
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About the Author
If you read a Rinelle Grey story, you can trust in a happy ending. Love will always triumph, even if it seems impossible… Rinelle Grey writes feel-good romance usually in science fiction or fantasy settings. Her heroines are independent and headstrong, and her stories are hard to put down.
She grew up in a remote area of Australia, without power, hot water, or a phone, but now lives with all of those and her (happily ever after) husband, daughter, chooks, ducks and veggie garden.
She loves to receive e-mails at, or follow her on facebook or twitter.
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