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Waking the Dragon Page 6

  “Yes,” Karla choked out.

  The mattress dipped under Taurian's weight as he sat on the side. He swung his legs up, leaning back onto the pillow. Taurian's shoulders easily took up two thirds of the bed.

  Karla scooted back as far as she could, almost tumbling off the side in her hurry.

  Taurian reached out a hand and grabbed her shoulder, pulling her into the hollow he had made in the centre of the bed. Karla put her hand on his chest to stop herself falling completely against him. His warmth radiated through Karla, and the tingling in her shoulders eased completely.

  Though perhaps that was just because it had been burned off by the flames that licked her skin, causing a different kind of need.

  For a second, Karla let herself imagine what it might be like, sleeping with him. His chest was firm and her fingers twitched at the thought of running her hands all over it, brushing the firm nipples that hovered so close to her fingertips.

  Her fingers trembled at the thought of him returning the favour. Just his hand touching hers caused her to melt. What would it feel like when he touched her more sensitive areas? What would it feel like to have him filling her up, thrusting into her? How long would this fire she felt when she touched him burn?

  Taurian’s golden eyes regarded her solemnly. Would sleeping with a human form dragon be different than a normal man?

  She shivered at the thought, half from excitement, half from nerves.

  Should she turn down this chance to find out? She'd never have another opportunity like this in her life, could she really just ignore it? Could she really fight off this feeling?

  No, it wasn't real. This was all caused by the Mesmer bond. That was clouding how she felt. It was a little like being drunk, her judgement was impaired. Now was not the time to make this decision. She needed a clear head first.

  She needed to wait until the Mesmer bond was complete. Only then could she tell what feelings were real and what was just a figment of the dragon’s strange healing magic.

  Karla gave herself a shake. What was she talking about? This was all just the heat of the moment, an exciting situation. How could she feel this way about someone she’d known for less than a day? If she hadn't found Taurian out at the Dragon Scales, she'd be heading home to England tomorrow, and to Bruce.

  And that's exactly what she'd be doing in another week once this was all over. She wasn't one to succumb to these sorts of impulsive desires. She had her own life to live, her own plans to achieve.

  Taurian took a deep breath, and Karla felt his body relax against her. The burning need to be closer to him eased a little, replaced with the simmering coals of the intimate contact.

  This was just an interlude from her normal life. A sweet, hot, interlude.

  Nothing more.

  The End

  Want to know what happens to Karla and Taurian next?

  If you're reading on Kindle Unlimited, or prefer to buy the installments seperately, the rest of the serial episodes are available now, beginning with Part 2, Dressing the Dragon.

  Or you can pick up Karla and Taurian's complete story in one volume and save. Grab the bundle here.

  Karla’s completely out of her depth, and has no idea how to handle Taurian. Getting clothes to cover his half-naked body is suppose to make her more comfortable—but how comfortable can you really be with an attractive dragon shifter? Especially when you’re both being pursued through the city by his ancient and deadly, rival.

  Taurian could handle his enemy easily—if only his healing sleep hadn’t left him weak and dependent on the human woman. To regain his strength quickly he needs to mate with her, but she resists him at every turn. Convincing her to heal him with her body is vital... and irresistible.

  Keeping their hands to themselves is a challenge equal to the ancient one they face, especially since it could solve everything.

  Or complicate everything in ways neither could have predicted.

  Grab Dressing the Dragon here or grab the complete story.

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  About the Author

  If you read a Rinelle Grey story, you can trust in a happy ending. Love will always triumph, even if it seems impossible… Rinelle Grey writes feel-good romance usually in science fiction or fantasy settings. Her heroines are independent and headstrong, and her stories are hard to put down.

  She grew up in a remote area of Australia, without power, hot water, or a phone, but now lives with all of those and her (happily ever after) husband, daughter, chooks, ducks and veggie garden.

  She loves to receive e-mails at, or follow her on facebook or twitter.

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